Monday, February 27, 2017

AList of Cages by Robin Roe

A List of CagesA List of Cages by Robin Roe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this wrenching book for my monthly twitter chat book club #YAbookchat and oh was it powerful, crushing, and spoke deeply of the power to wound and try to thwart goodness. Julian is young when his parents are killed in a car accident. Julian is a sweet child who was loved deeply by his parents. When they die, Julian ponders just what their death means, where do they go, and what is his mission in life - but since he does not ask anyone these questions but himself, he has no answers. In shock, he is a foster child living with Adam and his mother and slowly begins to heal until his uncle comes to claim him and claim him he does. Russell is a monster who mentally & physically tortures Julian with lies, fists, and a VERY warped way to make Julian be a man. For anyone to do what he does, Russell has to be mentally ill and the fact that he is able to take Julian's sweet fragile life and make Julian believe he is worthless, a problem that no one wants is abhorrent until the day Adam comes back into Julian's life. Adam is popular, loved Julian like a brother until 5 years before when Julian was taken away, never allowed to visit Adam and his mom and now is skipping school on a regular basis. Will Adam be able to rescue Julian? It can't come quickly enough. Taut, psychologically unnerving, Julian needs the beautiful person Adam JUST is. Adam has the ability to be happy, kind, and positive. Along with his huge gang of friends I rooted for Adam to pull Julian in with all his love, friendship and brotherhood!!!

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