Breath Like Water by
Anna Jarzab
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Teen (U.S. & Canada) and Inkyard Press for the Advance Reader Copy, Breath Like Water by Anna Jarzab in exchange for an honest review. Teens will love reading about Susannah’s journey as a swimmer, friend, daughter, and girlfriend as she swims to capture a coveted honor, only to lose it. Jarzab’s novel is riveting; the competition is exciting and harsh with Susannah seriously doubting herself as she tries once again, with a new coach, and supportive guy to claim a spot in the Olympics. I ached for Susannah, Beth, and Harry as they navigate the tough world of swimming, practices, family, and friends. Having no social life for Susannah is a must because of swimming demands (time, money, friends) but what if Susannah tries to make the time for Harry Matthews, who is totally into her, will she be able to handle it? Readers will root for Susannah and Harry as they navigate life, swimming, mental illness, and family. This is a must-read that nails the fear and anxiety Harry suffers as a result of being diagnosed and living with bipolar disorder. He confides only to Susannah and does not want his friends or the world to know about his mental illness as he grapples with past memories, taking meds, and dealing with the highs and lows that are bipolar disorder. Both families are supportive of Susannah and Harry. It is the main coach, Dave, who hires another coach, Beth (she becomes Susannah’s coach) who does the most damage to Susannah. As her lifelong coach, Dave is a control freak who mentally and verbally pits his swimmers against themselves and their teammates. This damage really stunts Susannah with her growth, confidence, and her trust. I could not stop turning the pages as the tension builds between the coaches. This is the perfect book for teens, about athletics, mental illness, friendship, family, and the fears of hiding your true self. Susannah and Harry are teens we all need to know, highly recommended!
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