Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

The Giver of StarsThe Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Many thanks to my librarian friend and reading buddy for this wonderful recommendation involving history and librarians and even better, 5 strong librarians promoting reading to those in the far rural areas of Kentucky. I listened to the audiobook, awesomely narrated by Julia Whelan, one of my favorite narrators on Audible. In this audiobook, Whelan's voices for Fred and Sven made my reading heart thump with their conviction and support of Margery and Alice as well as the Pack Horse Library. The 5 librarians Margery, Alice, Izzy, Beth and Sophia find the true meaning of friendship within their library family; they become a whole, a force to be reckoned with, and overcome the racism and judgments from the small minded, vindictive townspeople. The horses who carry each woman are even just as special to each of these women (they become friends, talk to their horses, worry about them and feed and care for them in a special way) and they grow exponentially as a result of their books helping and sustaining those on their route while forming important relationships with the families and their children. I fell in love with the beauty of Kentucky, the history of its people, and the power of books to change their lives. I could not stop listening to Julia Whelan's narration and when I wasn't listening I was worrying about these women who came to mean so much to me-their bravery, honesty, willingness to fight for the Pack Horse Library, the families they served, and come to aid of those in need (the flood). I am grateful to Jojo Moyes for this book and learning about the Roosevelts and their charge to light up the lives of those in the 1930s with the WPA bringing books, conversation, and education to those in the outer reaches of Kentucky. In addition, Jojo Moyes crafted a rip roaring good story filled with highs and lows, hopes realized and offering an awesome redemptive ending---highly recommended!

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