Saturday, February 19, 2022

Mercy (Atlee Pine, #4) by David Baldacci

Mercy (Atlee Pine #4)Mercy by David Baldacci
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book in one day and loved reading Mercy's chapters as well as Atlee's but they are very very upsetting, what she had to endure, after Ito Vincenzo, takes her, bludgeons Atlee and goes to the Atkins family and tells them she needs a good home (but he tells Mercy at 6 years old that her family did not want her anymore). After Len and Wanda have her for a few days and realize they are too old to take care of a 6 yr old, they give Mercy to their son because he can't have children. Unfortunately his wife Desiree is pure evil and Mercy is abused and suffers horrors (that thankfully only make her stronger and determined to survive). Once again, I hated the handler, Jack, who we found out in the last book is Mercy and Atlee's father, and he is still lying, and trying to recover from a gun shot wound all the while, a crazy guy is out for revenge--first with Mercy, but then with Atlee and Carol. OMG, a great, great book and an ode to the power of love and sisters!

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