Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Ursulina (Shelby Lake, #2) by Brian Freeman

The Ursulina (Shelby Lake, #2)The Ursulina by Brian Freeman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Awesomely narrated once again by January LaVoy (loved The Deep Deep Snow); Rebecca Colder is a detective in a town that seems to be VERY backward and hates most of the women ---men want the jobs in the mine and hate the women who take those jobs from them. The same happens with Rebecca, as the only woman on the police force but I did not like her allowing the officers to annoy her, grope her, and demean her (she had people who would believe her). Also, as the story unfolded with Rebecca's marriage to Ricky torpedoing--how could everyone see what a loser he was and Rebecca did not? I am not a fan of UNRELIABLE NARRATORS and I was becoming convinced Rebecca was unreliable in almost every facet of her life. Why would she not tell Brian who was an Ursulina hunter that she saw it when she was 10 yrs old? Why would she take Ricky's awful abuse and not let the law/Daryl put him in jail. Why would she not admit while questioning with Daryl she was in full blown labor?!? Don't get me wrong I loved the book; just not a fan of Rebecca and now I am back to listening to The Deep Deep Cold AGAIN and love Shelby's POV!

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