Monday, May 18, 2020

This Is How I Lied by Heather Gudenkauf

This Is How I LiedThis Is How I Lied by Heather Gudenkauf
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I usually LOVE Heather Gudenkauf mysteries but I found myself frustrated with the plot. As a detective mystery I felt there was more plot needed with going back and going over the old case of Eve Knox's murder. I really wanted to like Maggie more as both a person and a police detective; as a person she did not give people enough credit, as the reader follows her through the past and the present, she psyches herself out all the time in giving credit to how people (loved ones) will react if she tells the truth. As a police detective, she underestimates Nola Knox as every turn, both as a child and now as an adult. Why didn't Maggie ever go interview the psychologist Gonzales who met with Nola after the murder and her run in with Eve's old boyfriend? Why is Maggie taking chances when she is ready to have a baby? Of course, I could not put this book down, the suspense was thrilling but I was uncomfortable alot with Maggie, her professionalism as a cop, her choices, her secrets.

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