Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Total Eclipse of Nestor Lopez

The Total Eclipse of Nestor LopezThe Total Eclipse of Nestor Lopez by Adrianna Cuevas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book for my 2nd challenge of the #BitAboutBooks Winter Reading Challenge, Name in the Title for 20 points and there is so much GREATNESS in this book! Nestor is in middle school, he constantly moves around because his father is deployed (now in Afghanistan), he doesn't stay long enough to make friends, he can talk to animals (yes and they talk to him) and now living in New Haven, Texas (where his Dad grew up) with his Abuela and nurse Mom, Nestor's constant grief and fear for his Dad and missing him compounds his unease with what is going on in the neighborhood. This time, Nestor has two friends he really enjoys, Maria Carmen, and Talib, and together they investigate missing animals, a creature that terrorizes the woods as either a spider, snake or wolverine. How will Nestor and company solve the mystery and save the missing animals? It is a race against time and readers will not be able to put this book down! There is excitement, suspense, friendship and folklore that lure you in and what a wild ride, highly recommended!

View all my reviews

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