Monday, February 1, 2021

The Brightest Night (Origin, #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Brightest Night (Origin, #3)The Brightest Night by Jennifer L. Armentrout
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I have read and LOVED all of Jennifer L. Armentrout's books but this book so disappointed me because of the ENDING!!! I was hoping this would be the end of the Origin series but obviously there will be a book 4 but as a reader I want the author to know there is a better way to end books and this book was clearly so so so disappointing! There was lots of romance drama where Evie and Luc are safely living at a settlement. Having seen what she has done, many of the inhabitants are against Evie staying with them. There is not much outside action like all the other Origin books (and all the other Armentrout series) just building more on the Nadia/Evie history and Luc and other character backstories. I missed the action but being a faithful reader I hoped this book would be like all her other awesome books; there were many great characters, but the plot was stalled, stilted, and moved forward much too slowly. And the ending was just such a letdown, there was no redemption just utter horror (who ends a book with horror?) and no complete closure and not even an exciting end but a dreaded end! So I am begging the author to please make me want to continue to read this series, to be invested in the good that is Evie and Luc, Daemon and Kat, Grayson and not the utter helplessness of them all while Daedalus wreaks horror and havoc and ruination. We have enough of that in our world today with Covid and readers deserve redemption at the end of a book. And that title, The Brightest Night would seem to be that something positive was going to come out at the end of the book, it was definitely nota bright night but a BLEAK night for all!

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