Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Exit West by Mohsin Hamid

Exit WestExit West by Mohsin Hamid
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In an unnamed country, Nadia meets Saeed in evening school and they strike up a friendship that quickly becomes something more- because of the war and strife being visited upon their country. There was so much to love about these two people but they were hard working trying to exist in a world that is being torn apart. As they traverse their life, apart, and then together, they become very close but do not get engaged or married. They care deeply for each other and as the book proceeds they go through so much together. I loved Mohsin Hamid's writing; his characterization and his plot, and setting were all marvelously strung together, kept me turning the pages, and hoping for an end to their "war" both in the world and trying to find a new life.

View all my reviews

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