Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Unwilling by John Hart

The UnwillingThe Unwilling by John Hart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What this was such a raw book; yet I was compelled to read it, even though I wanted to put it down. Why? The evil characters made me sick---X, Reece, and all the other sick, brutal, violent people X controls--- while members of Jason and Gibby's family were severely disgusting---Jack French, their dad is a cop, who made sure after Jason came home from the war because he was dishonorably discharged that his family did not see him. His mother, Gabrielle, was just awful and mentally ill---she loved her first son and her 3rd son but not the 2nd---and her husband allowed her dissension--truly sickening. Gibby is a good kid caught between his mother and father who have kepst him in a bubble with all kinds of restrictions and written off Jason and Gibby wants to forge a bond with his only brother. Of course, I loved Gibby, Chance, and Becka (I wish there was more of them at the end of the book) and of course Jason---he was so misunderstood---but as the reader learns more about him (the cover-up, his heroism, and how so many never believed the worst of him (unlike his father and mother) you really feel for him---I rooted for him the whole book but what kind of life can he have---it could be another whole book in the future - like the John Merriman books!

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