Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Queens of Innis Lear by Tessa Gratton

The Queens of Innis LearThe Queens of Innis Lear by Tessa Gratton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan-Tor/Forge and Tor Books for the advance reader copy Winner Take All by Laurie Devore in exchange for an honest review. I did not realize I received only an excerpt, because that definitely doesn’t help in an “overall review”. All of a sudden the book ended and I was “WHAT!!!” So I will give a short review of what I did read. I loved the SciFi/Fantasy element, the world building, but the many hints at what happened in the past and Ban’s secret spying ideas left me wondering about too much. I will definitely be reading this book when it comes out because I did like Ban, Aefa, Kayo as characters that were authentic. I did not Elia’s character (as much as was in the excerpt) she is so idealized by Ban, that I truly wanted to like her character and Elia had a wonderful childhood with (Ban) but she is conflicted and can’t make decisions since after her mother’s death, Elia decides to side with her father (what does she see in him???), stop practicing earth magic and using the language of trees. This results in her sisters’ animosity towards her and isolates her, thankfully Aefa is always trying to fins ways to help Elia. I so appreciated the magic-rich nature world of Ban, Gratton’s language was heady and beautiful as Ban would commune with the trees, animals, and water. There was so much good vs evil, magic vs no magic that I loved turning the pages to revel more in the fantasy of this world of kingdoms, kings, queens, lords and ladies.

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